Friday, March 23, 2012

Das Mahavidya Navratri Shakti Mahotsav - Delhi

Dates: 23, 24, 25 March

Address: Kailash Siddhashram
                46, Kapil Vihar,
                 New Delhi - 110034

Phone:    011-27351006

Dikshas to be imparted by Revered Kailash Gurudev on 23, 24 and 25 March, 2012 at Kailash Siddhashram, 46, Kapil Vihar, Near Kohat Metro Station, Pitampura, New Delhi - 110034

1. Sheeghra Karya Siddhi Diksha
    Inspite of depending upon divine help, the sadhak should believe in his own efforts. God / Goddess also doesn't like to help persons who depend only on their luck. But sometimes in situations when despite of sincere efforts, the sadhak is not able to achieve his target, what should a sadhak do?

    If you are targeting on a certain goal and are not able to materialize it , then it may be due to a number of reasons - lack of sadhana, lack of self confidence, competition, sins of previous or current birth etc, But all these obstacles vanish by taking Sheeghra Karya Siddhi Diksha by Revered Gurudev and the most cherished wish or desire of the sadhak gets materialized, if the sadhak takes diksha with full devotion and belief.

2. Bhuvaneshwari Diksha

    Bhuvaneshwari is the controller of this bhuvan i.e. this world. Her beej mantra is "Hreem". She is the adhishthatri devi of Lord Brama also. She is one of the most powerful mahavidya. She is the controller of both wisdom and shakti. The Agya Chakra of the  sadhak who realizes Maa Bhuvaneshwari gets awakened. Maa Bhuvaneshwari provides all materialistic comforts and happiness. Bhuvaneshwari Sadhana is an important sadhana for eradicating poverty and for accomplishing Kuber Sadhana. Saraswati resides on the tongue of those sadhaks who have taken Maa Bhuvaneshwari Diksha and worship Maa Bhuvaneshwari. If a sadhak after obtained Bhuvaneshawri Diksha from Revered Gurudev performs Bhuvaneshwari Sadhana, then the sadhak is benefited in all the four yams of life.

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