Saturday, June 30, 2012
कैलाश सिद्धाश्रम में रुद्राभिषेक (Rudrabhishek in Kailash Siddhashram)
दिल्ली व जोधपुर में (In Delhi and Jodhpur)
४ जुलाई २०१२ से २ अगस्त २०१२ (From 4 July 2012 to 2 August 2012)
श्रावण मास के पुण्य पर्व में शिव आराधना की गूंज से सारा वातावरण शिवमय हो जाता है | धार्मिक मान्यताओं के अनुसार भक्तिमय ओर सुन्दर आच्छादित प्राकृतिक माहौल में भक्त के साथ-साथ उससे जुड़े परिजनों ओर आस पास के वातावरणों पर भी शुभ्र प्रभाव डालता है | श्रावण मास का तात्पर्य ही भगवान शिव और गौरी के आशीर्वाद की वर्षा से भक्त को सरोबार करने का दिव्यतम मास है| श्रावण मास में प्रातः व रात्रि के आठों प्रहर शिव शक्ति व शिवगणों तथा भगवान विघ्नविनाशक गणपति, ऋद्धि-सिद्धि, शुभ-लाभ, कार्तिकेय की उपासना अर्चना व दर्शन के लिए यह मास पुण्य फलों से भरपूर रहता है क्योंकि पार्वती की तपस्या का फल शिव को सौभाग्य के रूप में शास्त्रोक्त रीती से विवाह होने पर प्राप्त हुआ |
शिव-शक्ति एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं अतः शिवलिंग के पूजन-अर्चन का इस मास का विशेष महत्व है | शिवपुराणादि में कई प्रकार के शिवलिंगों का विवरण है इनमें जो शिवलिंग, जो पूजा-अर्चना के लिए विद्वानों द्वारा श्रेष्ठ माना गया है, वह है स्फटिक मणि शिवलिंग अथवा नर्मदेश्वर शिवलिंग | यह भी मान्यता है कि शालिग्राम शिला व शिवलिंग के ऊपर किसी भी देव तत्व का निरूपण या प्रतिष्ठा को मानकर यदि पूजन-अर्चन या अभिषेक आदि करें, तो वह देवता उसे स्वीकार कर लेते हैं |
शिवलिंग पर चढ़ाए जाने वाले द्रव्यों में तीर्थ जल, दूध, दही, घी, शहद, शक्कर, गन्ने का रस, इत्र, फलों का रस, नारियल पानी, गंधोदक जल आदि शामिल है | पूजन के दौरान शिवलिंग पर धारापूर्वक जल अर्पित करना पुण्य कारक माना जाता है | यह जल तीर्थ स्थान या पवित्र नदियों का हो, तो और भी उत्तम होता है | शिव के श्रृंगार के लिए भस्म, पुष्प, चन्दन, धूप, नैवेद्य में भांग व धतुरा, फल में नारियल या ऋतु प्रधान फल, अन्न के गेहूं की बाली या तिल-जव का इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए | सिंदूर सौभाग्य का प्रतीक है, इसलिए जलहरी में शक्ति प्रधान द्रव्य जैसे श्रृंगार सामग्री वस्त्र, सौभाग्य सूत्र, रोली का सिंदूर आदि अप्रित कर सकते हैं | शिव उपासना कलिकाल में विशिष्ट मानी जाति है, क्योंकि शिव के अधीनस्थ शिवगण जैसे गणेश, भैरव, कार्तिकेय, सर्प, कुबेर, नंदी, भृंगी, व श्रृंगी आदि हैं | कहते हैं शिव पूजन से यह सभी गन प्रसन्न होकर कृपा प्रदान करते हैं | इसलिए शिवार्चन के पूर्व अलग-अलग दिशाओं में सभी शिवगणों का पूजन आव्हान किया जाता है |
शास्त्रानुसार शिवलिंग प्रतीकात्मक है, जो शिव को शक्ति तथा शक्ति को शिवतत्व के अधीनस्थ होने का दर्शन प्रस्तुत करता है | शक्ति को जलहरी तथा लिंग को शिव रूप माना जाता है | इसलिए शिवलिंग परिक्रमा आधी ही की जाती है |
४ जुलाई से २ अगस्त के बीच पूरे श्रावण मास में जोधपुर कैलाश सिद्धाश्रम और दिल्ली में पूर्ण दिव्यत्म, चेतना युक्त पारदेश्वर शिवलिंग पर प्रतिदिन श्रेष्ठ मुहूर्त में रुद्राभिषेक सम्पन्न किया जायेगा |
योग्य और प्रकाण्ड विद्वान पण्डितों और गुरु के सान्निध्य में ही पूर्ण विधि विधान से रुद्राभिषेक सम्पन्न करना ही श्रेष्ठ माना गया है | इस तरह की पूजा अर्चना से भक्त का जीवन ऐश्वर्य, धर्म, यश, लक्ष्मी, ज्ञान और वैराग्य की चेतना से अभिभूत होता है |पारद शिवलिंग को समस्त ज्योतिर्लिंगों से भी श्रेष्ठ माना गया है | इसका पूजन सर्व कामप्रद शिव स्वरुप मोक्षप्रद और शिवस्वरूप बनाने वाला है | यह समस्त पापों का नाश करने, भक्त को संसार के सम्पूर्ण सुख और पूर्णता प्रदान करता है |
जो भी साधक या परिवार के सदस्य श्रावण मास के रुद्राभिषेक की चेतना को पूर्ण आत्मसात करना चाहते हैं, वे अपना फोटो और अपनी समस्याएं लिख कर भेजें | उन साधकों के लिए विशेष रूप से शिव तत्व युक्त महामृतुन्जय रुद्राभिषेक सम्पन्न किया जायेगा, जिससे कि साधक असत् से सत् की ओर, तमस से प्रकाश की ओर, मृत्यु से अमृत्यु की ओर अग्रसर हो सके, वह अपने जीवन में धर्म, अर्थ, काम, एश्वर्य, यश, लक्ष्मी और ज्ञान की पूर्णता को पूर्ण रूप से प्राप्त कर सके, साथ ही रुद्राभिषेक के बाद शक्तिपात दीक्षा फोटो पर प्रदान की जायेगी |
रुद्राभिषेक और दीक्षा न्यौछावर : १५००/- (1500/-)
अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें-
(१) गुरुधाम , 1-C ,पंचवटी कालोनी ,रातानाडा ,जोधपुर,पिन-342001,राजस्थान
फ़ोन - 0291-2517025
(२) कैलश सिद्धाश्रम , 46 ,कपिल विहार ,कोहट मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास , पीतमपुरा
दिल्ली, पिन - 110034
फ़ोन – 011-27351006
For more information contact :
Pracheen Mantra Yantra Vigyan
1-C, Panchvati Colony, Ratanada, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Contact Number: 0291-2517025
Mob: 07568939648
Fax: 0291-2517028
Kailash Siddhashram
46, Kapil Vihar (Near Kohat Metro Station),
Pitampura, New Delhi-110034
Contact Number: 011-27351006
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Chinnmasta Shakti Sadhana Shivir - Auraiya (U.P.)
Date: 27, 28 June, 2012
Venue: Chaudhary Vishsambhar Singh Bhartiya Vidyalaya Inter College, Dibiyapur Road, Auraiya (Uttar Pradesh)
Organiser: Tehraj Singh Yadav 9412284006, Virender Trivedi 9760935304, Anand Singh 8439748756, Shaym Singh 9956800677, Gorelal Shivkumar Batham, Arvind Singh 8445835265, Kripal Singh 9720475434, Amit Shukla 9152870256, Avdhesh Dikshit 9310832374, Anand Baba, Sonu Sengar, Rewashankar Dikshit, Gopal Mishra, Shivbalak Pal, J.P., Rameshwar Nishaad, Sanjay Mishra, Keerat Singh, Rakesh Arya, Malti Devi, Swadesh, Munesh, Arvind Bhadauriya, Jaikaran Verma, Deshraj Singh, Raghuraj Singh, Bhagwan Singh, Madhav Singh, Ramsewak Babu, Rajinder Singh Gujjar, Pratap, Rakesh Batham, Rajkumar, Pappu Dudhiya, Jaswant Singh, Shankar Singh, Jageshwar Dayal, Manoj Kumar, Veerbhan Singh, Nyarelal Pushkar, Jaduveer Singh, Sanju, Sukhraj Singh, Charan Singh, Virendar Katiyar, Ramesh Gautam, Devi Prasad, Babusingh Bhadauriya, Talesingh, Chandra Prakash, Haribabu, Mansukh, Darshan Singh, Rajinder Singh, Shreepal, Veerpal Singh, Rakesh Pal, Mahaveer, Badal Pahalwaan, Yadav, Delhi - MunnaSingh Pal, Dharmnarayan, Dayashankar Sharma, Lal Bahadur Yadav Kokai, Ramgopal Gupta, Kamlesh Gupta, Raghupal, Lucknow - Rajveer Singh 9838087024, Sunil Mehrotra 9919151000, Pramod Kumar Chopra 9565164000, Siddhnath Mehrotra 9889155241, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar 9450055822, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Verma 9415502501, Madhuban Yadav 9415156860, Mahender Singh 9415516383, Anjani Kumar Gihaar 9198465802, Deepak Singh 9450003209, S.K. Vaishnav 9453140551, K.K. Nikhil 9935659468, Dr. Ravi Kapoor 9473923689, Dr. B.S. Mishra
Venue: Chaudhary Vishsambhar Singh Bhartiya Vidyalaya Inter College, Dibiyapur Road, Auraiya (Uttar Pradesh)
Organiser: Tehraj Singh Yadav 9412284006, Virender Trivedi 9760935304, Anand Singh 8439748756, Shaym Singh 9956800677, Gorelal Shivkumar Batham, Arvind Singh 8445835265, Kripal Singh 9720475434, Amit Shukla 9152870256, Avdhesh Dikshit 9310832374, Anand Baba, Sonu Sengar, Rewashankar Dikshit, Gopal Mishra, Shivbalak Pal, J.P., Rameshwar Nishaad, Sanjay Mishra, Keerat Singh, Rakesh Arya, Malti Devi, Swadesh, Munesh, Arvind Bhadauriya, Jaikaran Verma, Deshraj Singh, Raghuraj Singh, Bhagwan Singh, Madhav Singh, Ramsewak Babu, Rajinder Singh Gujjar, Pratap, Rakesh Batham, Rajkumar, Pappu Dudhiya, Jaswant Singh, Shankar Singh, Jageshwar Dayal, Manoj Kumar, Veerbhan Singh, Nyarelal Pushkar, Jaduveer Singh, Sanju, Sukhraj Singh, Charan Singh, Virendar Katiyar, Ramesh Gautam, Devi Prasad, Babusingh Bhadauriya, Talesingh, Chandra Prakash, Haribabu, Mansukh, Darshan Singh, Rajinder Singh, Shreepal, Veerpal Singh, Rakesh Pal, Mahaveer, Badal Pahalwaan, Yadav, Delhi - MunnaSingh Pal, Dharmnarayan, Dayashankar Sharma, Lal Bahadur Yadav Kokai, Ramgopal Gupta, Kamlesh Gupta, Raghupal, Lucknow - Rajveer Singh 9838087024, Sunil Mehrotra 9919151000, Pramod Kumar Chopra 9565164000, Siddhnath Mehrotra 9889155241, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar 9450055822, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Verma 9415502501, Madhuban Yadav 9415156860, Mahender Singh 9415516383, Anjani Kumar Gihaar 9198465802, Deepak Singh 9450003209, S.K. Vaishnav 9453140551, K.K. Nikhil 9935659468, Dr. Ravi Kapoor 9473923689, Dr. B.S. Mishra
Monday, June 25, 2012
Mahaakaal Mritunjay Sadhana – Fear? Well No More!
(Any Monday)
How could I forget those days? Each moment I would be in the
grip of a strange, gut-wrenching fear. And what more for no reason at all.
There was just a strange, unexplainable apprehension that something evil was
about to happen. I was even then a very successful businessman, had money,
property and a happy family life. I had everything one could ask for. But for
the past one month, I was steadily losing my confidence for no apparent reason and
every moment I felt as if some accident was about to occur and that I was about
to die.
Early from my childhood I had been initiated into worship of
Lord Shiva and constantly chanting the mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAAY did calm my mind
a bit. But I felt that I needed to do something more. I consulted many priests
and had several worships performed as suggested by them but with no great
Sadhana Articles: 360/-
About two torturous months later, I was travelling by air
from Mumbai to Delhi. My fear became all the more strong during this time. As I
look around my seat, I found a middle aged gentleman seated by my side. He was
dressed in the traditional white Dhoti Kurta. There was something about his
face that kept drawing my attention.
At last I asked him who he was. As he gave his introduction
I realized I was before one of the greatest astrologers of recent times – Dr.
Narayan Dutt Shrimali. Then of course I knew him in only this capacity. We got
talking and about half an hour later I realized that the fear that had beset my
mind for the past two months had somehow abated. A strange calmness had
overcome me.
I do not know what came over me but the relief was so
immense that I started weeping, right there in the aeroplane. Dr. Shrimali
kindly asked me what it was and I let him know everything. Dr. Shrimali
immediately opened his briefcase and took out a writing pad. He started writing
on it and for the next few minutes remained busy with it. Then he tore out the
page and handed it over to me. He said, “Don’t ask me how but I know you are an
ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. Just try this Sadhana and all shall soon be
fine.” He also handed me a Yantra and a rosary.
Once in Delhi the first thing I did was try the Sadhana he
had suggested, for I felt a strange surge of faith within. A month later I had
a terrible accident when I was travelling in my car from Delhi to Agra. A truck
rammed into my car. The car was crushed and very miraculously I was thrown out
of it and escaped unhurt. This was the danger I had been apprehending all along
and Dr. Shrimali saved me from it by suggesting the Sadhana. Later of course I
met him and came to know of his great work as a Guru to millions of disciples.
He also told me that the first time we had met, he had known that an accident
was about to occur and that was why he had suggested that Sadhana to me. I took
Diksha from him and have since been his ardent devotee. I am reproducing this
amazig Sadhana here for the benefit of Sadhaks. Anyone who suffers from the
fear of accidents, enemies, un-timely death can try this Sadhana with amazing
This Sadhana must be started on a Monday.
Early morning have a bath and wear white clothes. Sit on a
white mat facing north. Cover a wooden seat with white cloth. On it place a
picture of Sadgurudev and Lord Ganpati. Worship them by offering vermilion,
flowers and rice grains. On a mound of rice grains in a plate place an
Mrityunjay Yantra (amulet). On the Yantra place the Raksha Gutika. Take water
in the right plam and speak thus – I (speak your name) am performing this
Sadhana for protection from all dangers. Let the water flow to the floor. Offer
rice grains and vermilion on the Yantra and Gutika. Light a ghee lamp and
incense. Then chant one round of Guru Mantra. There after chant five rounds of
this Mantra with a Rudraksh rosary.
Om Agat Anaagat Kaaldevaay Preetyarthe Namah Om
Do this daily for twenty two days. Thus the sadhana should
be completed on a Monday. On the 22nd day move the Gutika around
your head and throw it in the south direction from your home Wear the yantra
amulet in a string around your neck and keep the rosary in the worship place.
Pracheen Mantra Yantra Vigyan
1-C, Panchvati Colony, Ratanada, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Contact Number: 0291-2517025
Mob: 07568939648
Fax: 0291-2517028
Kailash Siddhashram
46, Kapil Vihar (Near Kohat Metro Station),
Pitampura, New Delhi-110034
Contact Number: 011-27351006
Pratyaksh Lakshmi Sadhana – Key to Wealth!
(Any Monday)
Ask anyone what is the
basic of life and the prompt answer shall be – wealth. And the reason for this
is that without it life becomes a long tale of misery and problems. But not
just for the family man, wealth is important for the ascetic too. In fact the
Yogi who strives selflessly for bettering the lives of other might need more
wealth than the family man for building temples, hospitals and for other
charitable purposes.
Hence, wealth is the
key to success and happiness in life provided it is used for good causes. And
if one lacks wealth in life, if there is a scarcity of resources then utter
frustration, helplessness, poverty and despair set in. Goddess of wealth is
Lakshmi and to give permanence to her in one’s life is not so easy. This is
because Lakshmi remains permanently at a place only if there is sacredness,
intelligence, patience and activeness ruling over the place.
This amazing Sadhana
should be accomplished in a moonless night after 10 pm. Have a bath and wear
pure white clothes. Sit facing South on a white mat cover, a wooden seat with a
white cloth. On the cloth draw two triangles with vermilion so that a six
pointed star is formed. This can be done by imposing two triangles, one normal
and the other inverted over each other. Then on each of the six vertices of the
star place a Gomti Chakra. Thus one shall need six Gomti Chakras. In the centre
of the star place a Siyar Singhi. Also place a picture of Sadgurudev. Offer
vermilion, rice grains, flower petals on the picture and light a mustard oil
lamp. Drop five kelans in the oil in the lamp. It would be better if one uses a
big lamp so as to accommodate the kelans.
Then offer prayer to
the Guru and chant one round of Guru Mantra.
Take water in the right
palm and then speak – I (speak your name) am performing this Sadhana for the
gain of wealth and for giving Goddess Lakshmi a permanent place in my life.
Then let the water flow
to the floor.
Next with the red coral
rosary chant eleven rounds of the following Mantra
Om Nnamo Lakshmyei
Siddim Dehi Pratyaksham Bhav Nnamo Hoom
T ake out four kelans
and throw them in the four directions outside the house. Then tie the remaining
one kelan and the other Sadhana articles in the white cloth and bury the bundle
in your house. If this is not possible then place the bundle in your safe.
Sadhana Articles: 480/-
And there can be no
better way of making their attributes a permanent parts your home than Lakshmi
Sadhana. There are thousands of Sadhana for gaining wealth that have appeared
in the ancient scriptures. Then what is so special about this ritual?
Actually this is a very
powerful and rare Sadhana through which not only one can just become rich but
can also gain the intelligence to use the wealth so obtained in a proper and
right manner so that one goes on becoming more prosperous even though one might
spend to one’s heart’s content. This Sadhana also bestows one with the wisdom to
seek good opportunities for making wealth even when the stars are not
favorable. This Sadhana is based on Jain Sabar System and its efficacy is time
Pracheen Mantra Yantra Vigyan
1-C, Panchvati Colony, Ratanada, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Contact Number: 0291-2517025
Mob: 07568939648
Fax: 0291-2517028
Kailash Siddhashram
46, Kapil Vihar (Near Kohat Metro Station),
Pitampura, New Delhi-110034
Contact Number: 011-27351006
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Aviral Badrinath Yatra and Sadhana Shivir with Revered Kailash Gurudevji
Amongst the four dhams of Badrinath, Dwarika, Rameshwaram and Puri, the Bardinath Dham situated in the vast Himalayan ranges at the Narayan Mountain at a distance of approximately 11,000 feet above the sea level, is considered to be the most sacred and pious dham because the sacred results obtained on doing tapa, yog and Samadhi are readily obtained by only having darshan of Lord Badrinath. By having the glimpses of Lord Badrinath only the luck starts favouring and life becomes pious. The cold Alaknanda touching the feet of Maa Lakshmi and Lord Badrinarayan starts its continuous journey and the sacred holy Ganga is continuing its journey for the past thousands of years. In such a holy and sacred pilgrimage, by attending the Sadhana Shivir organized by Gurudev Shri Kailash Chandra Shrimaliji, by sadhaks from each and every district and city, have proved the fact that only guru is our protector, preserver, friend, adviser and guide for making our life easy and beautiful.
The journey from Haridwar to Badrinath Dham is very dangerous, full of uneven hilly roads. But with the grace and blessings of gurudev, all children, old aged persons, sisters, daughters, mothers and young sadhaks and disciples were able to enjoy the tedious journey of approximately 14 hours with buses and cars. All of them were feeling full of enthusiasm and freshness even after 14 hours journey in the Badrinath Dham where the temperature was -2 degree Celsius amidst the continuously changing weather of sun, rain and snow falling.
In the three days sadhana shivir, the Gurudev in his magnetic, mesmerizing voice after invoking Sadgurudev said that a person achieves what he searches in this life. If a person searches for materialistic joy, then he obtains materialistic joy which leads to agony, jealousy, anger, enemy, false allegations, and insecurity. But contentment, happiness, love, charity, blissfulness, devotion is obtained with the blessings of gurudev only. Whatever is searched by a human being outside does not exist outside but exists inside the human being where gurudev resides.
Without any deed the devotion becomes a mirage. Devotion does not depend upon wonders and miracles. Devotion starts paving way for favorable conditions and situations in life. Just look at the sun, it provides light, warmth, happiness, progression but does not burn anything. Same process is being followed by gurudev on his sadhaks and disciples. The true guru is one who converts the agony of the sadhak into serenity.
In the three days Manjul Mahotsav, thousands of sadhaks took bath in the holy tapt kund and obtained the Siddhashram Gaman Diksha in the premises of the sacred Badrinath Temple. They walked to the originating point of Saraswati which was 4 kms away from the shivir venue in the divine presence of gurudev and obtained sarv pitrdosh mukti diksha, savitri saubhagay diksha at such a divine place. Navgrah Shanti Hawan was also organized.
It was the feeling of all the sadhaks and disciples that it was the blessings of Sadgurudev that they were provided with such an opportunity to attend such a divine sadhanatmak shivir in the divine presence of Gurudev Shri Kailash Chandra Shrimaliji. All of us are feeling very blessed and proud because such a divine process of transformation can only be completely accomplished by the knowledgeable and divine son of Sadgurudev.
The journey from Haridwar to Badrinath Dham is very dangerous, full of uneven hilly roads. But with the grace and blessings of gurudev, all children, old aged persons, sisters, daughters, mothers and young sadhaks and disciples were able to enjoy the tedious journey of approximately 14 hours with buses and cars. All of them were feeling full of enthusiasm and freshness even after 14 hours journey in the Badrinath Dham where the temperature was -2 degree Celsius amidst the continuously changing weather of sun, rain and snow falling.
In the three days sadhana shivir, the Gurudev in his magnetic, mesmerizing voice after invoking Sadgurudev said that a person achieves what he searches in this life. If a person searches for materialistic joy, then he obtains materialistic joy which leads to agony, jealousy, anger, enemy, false allegations, and insecurity. But contentment, happiness, love, charity, blissfulness, devotion is obtained with the blessings of gurudev only. Whatever is searched by a human being outside does not exist outside but exists inside the human being where gurudev resides.
Without any deed the devotion becomes a mirage. Devotion does not depend upon wonders and miracles. Devotion starts paving way for favorable conditions and situations in life. Just look at the sun, it provides light, warmth, happiness, progression but does not burn anything. Same process is being followed by gurudev on his sadhaks and disciples. The true guru is one who converts the agony of the sadhak into serenity.
In the three days Manjul Mahotsav, thousands of sadhaks took bath in the holy tapt kund and obtained the Siddhashram Gaman Diksha in the premises of the sacred Badrinath Temple. They walked to the originating point of Saraswati which was 4 kms away from the shivir venue in the divine presence of gurudev and obtained sarv pitrdosh mukti diksha, savitri saubhagay diksha at such a divine place. Navgrah Shanti Hawan was also organized.
It was the feeling of all the sadhaks and disciples that it was the blessings of Sadgurudev that they were provided with such an opportunity to attend such a divine sadhanatmak shivir in the divine presence of Gurudev Shri Kailash Chandra Shrimaliji. All of us are feeling very blessed and proud because such a divine process of transformation can only be completely accomplished by the knowledgeable and divine son of Sadgurudev.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
२०, २१, २२ जून, २०१२ – प्रत्येक साधना निशुल्क
कैलाश सिद्धाश्रम
सदगुरुदेव सच्चिदानन्द महाराज, प्रभु निखिलेश्वरानन्दजी के आशीर्वाद से गुरुदेव कैलाश श्रीमाली जी देल्ही आश्रम कैलाश सिद्धाश्रम में प्रत्येक साधक शिष्य को निम्नाकिंत साधना प्रयोग निशुल्क सम्पन्न करायेंगे |
समस्त साधकों एवं शिष्यों के लिए यह योजना कार्तिक मास से प्रारम्भ कि गई है, इसके अंतर्गत विशेष दिवसों पर दिल्ली एवं जोधपुर में पूज्य गुरुदेव के निर्देशन में यह साधनाएं पूर्ण विधि-विधान से सम्पन्न होती हैं | यदि श्रधा व विश्वास हो, तो उसी दिन से साधनाओं में सिद्धि का अनुभव भी होने लगता है |
चन्द्रघंटा दीक्षा
जीवन पग-पग परिवर्तनशील है, न जाने कब, कौन-सी विकत परिस्थिति से गुजरना पड़ जाय | शत्रु तो हार मोड पर तैनात सैनिकों की तरह खड़े रहते हैं हमला करने के ,लिए, उस अचानक प्रहार को झेल नहीं पाता, और ऐसी स्थिति में व्यक्ति निर्णय नहीं कर पाता कि अब वह क्या करे... क्या नहीं करे | मनुष्य के शत्रु एक नहीं हजारों होते हैं, जब तक वह एक को परास्त करता है, तब तक दूसरा उस पर वार कर देता है और इस सामाजिक-संग्राम में युद्ध करते-करते उसकी शक्ति क्षीण होने लगती है, क्योंकि व्यक्ति इस जीवन रुपी संग्राम को अपनी शक्ति के बल पर नहीं जीत सकता, इसके लिए उसके पास दैविक बल होना आवश्यक है | सूर्यदेव के अनुसार समस्त देवी शक्ति को चंद्रघंटा के रूप में सिद्ध कर लेने से वह साधक अजेय हो जाता है | यह दुर्लभ अद्वितीय दीक्षा प्राप्त करने से शत्रु काल के सुपुर्द हो जाता है और उसका विनाश उतना ही निश्चित हो जाता हैहै जितना कि सूर्य और चन्द्र का अस्तित्व में होना | यह दीक्षा व्यक्ति को ऊर्जास्विता, तेजस्विता और प्रखरता प्रदान करता है | वह व्यक्ति समाज में सम्माननीय एवं पूजनीय होता है | कुंडली निर्मित दुर्योग फलहीन हो जाते हैं एवं उसकी दरिद्रता, रोग, शत्रुभय, ऋण आदि कि स्थिति स्वतः ही नष्ट हो जाती है और वह मान-सम्मान के साथ जीवन व्यतीत करने लगता है |
भाग्योदय दीक्षा
व्यक्ति इस क्षण अगर तनाव
को भूल कर, बाधाओं और समस्याओं को अलग कर, उल्लास युक्त हो कर उमंग के साथ जीवन को
व्यतीत करता है तो अगले क्षण से पुनः उन्हीं तनावों, समस्याओं और बाधाओं में फंस
जाता है | जीवन का अर्थ समस्याओं, बाधाओं, तनावों से जूझना ही रह गया है | व्यक्ति
चाहे तो भी इस समस्याओं कि व्यूह रचना से नहीं निकल पाता है, वह छोड़ना भी चाहे तो
छोड़ नहीं पाता है | जीवन के अनेक पक्ष और वे भी पूर्णता से, जबकि एक इच्छा के बाद
दूसरी इच्छा का जन्म होता ही है, एक स्थिति में सफलता मिलने के बाद दूसरी स्थिति
सामने आती ही है और इनकी पूर्ति करना हमारे वश में नहीं है | जीवन में कर्तव्य
आवश्यक हो सकते हैं किन्तु जब कर्तव्य आकर जीवन को ग्रसित कर लें तब ? फिर कब
व्यक्ति अपनी इच्छाओं का संसार रचा पाएगा, अपने स्वप्नों को पूर्ण कर पाएगा जिससे
जीवन में प्रसन्नता आए | लेकिन यह दीक्षा प्राप्त करने पर व्यक्ति कितना भी
दुर्भाग्यशाली क्यों न हो, निश्चय ही उसके जीवन में भाग्य का सूर्योदय होता ही है
| उसके जीवन में भाग्योदय रुपी पवित्र शंखध्वनि उच्चारित होती है | बाधाएं, अड़चने
व्यक्ति के मार्ग को स्वतः ही छोड़कर अलग हट जाती हैं | व्यक्ति को जहाँ धन ऐश्वर्य
कि प्राप्ति होती है वहीँ उसे सर्वविधि सौभाग्य प्राप्त होता है | यह दीक्षा
व्यक्ति के अपने जीवन को और अधिक श्रेष्ठतम बनाने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है |
Address : 46, Kapil Vihar, Near Kohat Metro Station, Pitampura, Delhi-110034
Phone : 011-27351006
कैलाश सिद्धाश्रम
सदगुरुदेव सच्चिदानन्द महाराज, प्रभु निखिलेश्वरानन्दजी के आशीर्वाद से गुरुदेव कैलाश श्रीमाली जी देल्ही आश्रम कैलाश सिद्धाश्रम में प्रत्येक साधक शिष्य को निम्नाकिंत साधना प्रयोग निशुल्क सम्पन्न करायेंगे |
समस्त साधकों एवं शिष्यों के लिए यह योजना कार्तिक मास से प्रारम्भ कि गई है, इसके अंतर्गत विशेष दिवसों पर दिल्ली एवं जोधपुर में पूज्य गुरुदेव के निर्देशन में यह साधनाएं पूर्ण विधि-विधान से सम्पन्न होती हैं | यदि श्रधा व विश्वास हो, तो उसी दिन से साधनाओं में सिद्धि का अनुभव भी होने लगता है |
चन्द्रघंटा दीक्षा
जीवन पग-पग परिवर्तनशील है, न जाने कब, कौन-सी विकत परिस्थिति से गुजरना पड़ जाय | शत्रु तो हार मोड पर तैनात सैनिकों की तरह खड़े रहते हैं हमला करने के ,लिए, उस अचानक प्रहार को झेल नहीं पाता, और ऐसी स्थिति में व्यक्ति निर्णय नहीं कर पाता कि अब वह क्या करे... क्या नहीं करे | मनुष्य के शत्रु एक नहीं हजारों होते हैं, जब तक वह एक को परास्त करता है, तब तक दूसरा उस पर वार कर देता है और इस सामाजिक-संग्राम में युद्ध करते-करते उसकी शक्ति क्षीण होने लगती है, क्योंकि व्यक्ति इस जीवन रुपी संग्राम को अपनी शक्ति के बल पर नहीं जीत सकता, इसके लिए उसके पास दैविक बल होना आवश्यक है | सूर्यदेव के अनुसार समस्त देवी शक्ति को चंद्रघंटा के रूप में सिद्ध कर लेने से वह साधक अजेय हो जाता है | यह दुर्लभ अद्वितीय दीक्षा प्राप्त करने से शत्रु काल के सुपुर्द हो जाता है और उसका विनाश उतना ही निश्चित हो जाता हैहै जितना कि सूर्य और चन्द्र का अस्तित्व में होना | यह दीक्षा व्यक्ति को ऊर्जास्विता, तेजस्विता और प्रखरता प्रदान करता है | वह व्यक्ति समाज में सम्माननीय एवं पूजनीय होता है | कुंडली निर्मित दुर्योग फलहीन हो जाते हैं एवं उसकी दरिद्रता, रोग, शत्रुभय, ऋण आदि कि स्थिति स्वतः ही नष्ट हो जाती है और वह मान-सम्मान के साथ जीवन व्यतीत करने लगता है |
Address : 46, Kapil Vihar, Near Kohat Metro Station, Pitampura, Delhi-110034
Phone : 011-27351006
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Guru Poornima Mahotsav
पूर्णिमा पर्व - भगवान योगेश्वर सदगुरुदेव के प्रति समर्पण दिवस
यह शुभ अवसर १,२ एवं ३ जुलाई २०१२ को अमरकंटक में आयोजित हो रहा है | आप सभी सदर आमंत्रित हैं |
This auspicious occasion is being organized in Amarkantak on 1,2 and 3 July, 2012. All of you are cordially invited.
Contact: K.K. Chandra 9303127059, Ballabh Das Baheti 9424930781, A.N. Yadav 930317266, Ravishankar Tiwari 9425898233, Nakul Tiwari 9301287364, N.P. Singh 9669527471
महापर्व आप सभी के जीवन में कुछ विशेष लेकर आने वाला है, उस पुण्य स्थली पर जो
सैकड़ों तपस्वियों की तपस्थली रही है, जहाँ से कलियुग से सबसे पवित्र नदी, नर्मदा
का उद्गम होता है, और इन सभी से कहीं अधिक स्वं सदगुरुदेव जब वहाँ उपस्थित होंगे |
यह शुभ अवसर १,२ एवं ३ जुलाई २०१२ को अमरकंटक में आयोजित हो रहा है | आप सभी सदर आमंत्रित हैं |
Poornima Parv – The Day Dedicated in the holy lotus feet of Bhagwan Yogeshwar
This auspicious day is going to bring something special
in your life, on the sacred land where several yogis have performed many
sadhanas, from where the sacred river of kaliyug, narmada, originates and above
all where Sadgurudev will be present.
This auspicious occasion is being organized in Amarkantak on 1,2 and 3 July, 2012. All of you are cordially invited.
Contact: K.K. Chandra 9303127059, Ballabh Das Baheti 9424930781, A.N. Yadav 930317266, Ravishankar Tiwari 9425898233, Nakul Tiwari 9301287364, N.P. Singh 9669527471
Monday, June 18, 2012
A city without streets, a king without treasure, a merchant without business and a life without a guru are all considered the same. Why the emphasis on guru? Why do you need a guru?
Life sometimes seems very complicated. There is pleasure..., pain, happiness, suffering, generosity, greed, passion and dispassion. When our life is full of such opposing values, our mind sometimes becomes unable to handle these complications and just breaks down.
It is then that you need wisdom to guide you through troubled times. Guru is that wisdom. You might have noticed you give great advice when you are not involved in a situation but the same is not true when you are in trouble. This is because wisdom dawns when you are out of the mess. Guru is one who is out of the mess. He watches the chaos, amidst the chaos.
Guru is like a circuit breaker. When you cannot handle life, your guru comes and saves so that you remain sane and balanced. If there is a compelling desire that bothers you, your guru is there to offer solace. You offer all your desires and pain to your guru. Having a guru means being able to relax and smile all the time, walk with confidence, be fearless and have a vision. That is wisdom.
Guru is a tattva -- an element, a quality inside you. It is not limited to a body or form. Guru comes in your life in spite of your refusing or being rebellious. The guru principle is so vital in life. There is an element of the guru in every human being. That wisdom in each has to be invoked, awakened. When this element is awakened, misery in life disappears. In our consciousness, wisdom comes to life when guru tattva comes to life. When we have no desires of our own, then the guru tattva dawns in our life. Wake up and see that our life is changing every moment and feel grateful for whatever you have received.
Guru Purnima is to review your growth. This review will give you encouragement. If you think you haven't grown enough on the spiritual path in the past few years, then you have not utilised the knowledge. If you feel you are stuck somewhere, then the realisation that you are stuck is also growth.
That is why we celebrate Guru Purnima. It is the day when the devotee arises in full gratitude and feels grateful for the great knowledge he has received from the Guru. It is time to review how much knowledge you have ingrained in your life and how you are growing in knowledge. This may bring about a realisation for scope of improvement, which in turn will bring humility in you. Be grateful for the way this knowledge has transformed you. Just think how you could have been without this. Gratitude and humility together make bloom a genuine prayer inside you.
On Guru Purnima, remember the guru. When your life is full, you get a feeling of gratitude then you start with the guru and end up adoring everything in life. On Guru Purnima the devotee wakes up in full gratitude. The devotee becomes like an ocean moving in itself. Guru Purnima is a time to celebrate and rise in devotion and gratitude.
Life sometimes seems very complicated. There is pleasure..., pain, happiness, suffering, generosity, greed, passion and dispassion. When our life is full of such opposing values, our mind sometimes becomes unable to handle these complications and just breaks down.
It is then that you need wisdom to guide you through troubled times. Guru is that wisdom. You might have noticed you give great advice when you are not involved in a situation but the same is not true when you are in trouble. This is because wisdom dawns when you are out of the mess. Guru is one who is out of the mess. He watches the chaos, amidst the chaos.
Guru is like a circuit breaker. When you cannot handle life, your guru comes and saves so that you remain sane and balanced. If there is a compelling desire that bothers you, your guru is there to offer solace. You offer all your desires and pain to your guru. Having a guru means being able to relax and smile all the time, walk with confidence, be fearless and have a vision. That is wisdom.
Guru is a tattva -- an element, a quality inside you. It is not limited to a body or form. Guru comes in your life in spite of your refusing or being rebellious. The guru principle is so vital in life. There is an element of the guru in every human being. That wisdom in each has to be invoked, awakened. When this element is awakened, misery in life disappears. In our consciousness, wisdom comes to life when guru tattva comes to life. When we have no desires of our own, then the guru tattva dawns in our life. Wake up and see that our life is changing every moment and feel grateful for whatever you have received.
Guru Purnima is to review your growth. This review will give you encouragement. If you think you haven't grown enough on the spiritual path in the past few years, then you have not utilised the knowledge. If you feel you are stuck somewhere, then the realisation that you are stuck is also growth.
That is why we celebrate Guru Purnima. It is the day when the devotee arises in full gratitude and feels grateful for the great knowledge he has received from the Guru. It is time to review how much knowledge you have ingrained in your life and how you are growing in knowledge. This may bring about a realisation for scope of improvement, which in turn will bring humility in you. Be grateful for the way this knowledge has transformed you. Just think how you could have been without this. Gratitude and humility together make bloom a genuine prayer inside you.
On Guru Purnima, remember the guru. When your life is full, you get a feeling of gratitude then you start with the guru and end up adoring everything in life. On Guru Purnima the devotee wakes up in full gratitude. The devotee becomes like an ocean moving in itself. Guru Purnima is a time to celebrate and rise in devotion and gratitude.
(Speaking tree article Published in 'The Times Of India' Editorial page dated August 6, 2010.)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Surya Sankranti Sadhana Shivir
Date: 10 June 2012
Venue: Hotel Ashoka, Katra Road, Jammu
Venue: Hotel Ashoka, Katra Road, Jammu
Organiser: Manjul 9419213141, Kishanlal 9419795205, Girish 9796676650, Neeraj 9858263183, Munish 9697273905, Rajauri - Harnaam 9419463263, Ankhoor - Sanjeev 9858103211, Samba - Vijay 9419146840, Sudhir 9858173094, Pathankot - Virender 9888389168, Pitambar - 9882502646
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Chandi Shakti Sadhana Shivir
Date: 9 June, 2012
Venue: Hotel Park Grand, S.C.O. 111-114, Sector 43 B, Chandigarh
Organiser: Rajinder 0946319797, K.L. Sharma 09872009588, Smt. Jyoti 08872486891, Rajkumari 9855822021, Vibhu Malhotra 8968006620, Gajanand Sharma 09466046068, J.K. Dua 09417278529, Pitambar Dutt 09882502646, Harminder Singh 9417600963, Pawan 9417220377, 9417545867, Sohanlal 9418636951
Venue: Hotel Park Grand, S.C.O. 111-114, Sector 43 B, Chandigarh
Organiser: Rajinder 0946319797, K.L. Sharma 09872009588, Smt. Jyoti 08872486891, Rajkumari 9855822021, Vibhu Malhotra 8968006620, Gajanand Sharma 09466046068, J.K. Dua 09417278529, Pitambar Dutt 09882502646, Harminder Singh 9417600963, Pawan 9417220377, 9417545867, Sohanlal 9418636951